Italian art in the collections
Mario Sironi, "Cityscape," the 1921 (from the catalog of the exhibition, "Once art exhibitions and museums")
Today we visited the wonderful show this year ARCA Arts Vercelli proposed, "Italian Art 1900-1961 in the Guggenheim collections, after the extraordinary previous exhibitions have already been completed by Ark City of Vercelli in collaboration with the Guggenheim Foundation, all focused on the relationship between" history "between the great American institution and the our country.
The exhibition we see this year (open until June 5, 2011), promoted by Regione Piemonte in collaboration with the Culture Department of the Municipality of Vercelli, was curated by Luca Massimo Barbero in the prestigious container consists of the church of San Marco, in particular in the special casket steel and glass that has been set up to accommodate these initiatives within their high cultural level.
A corner of the exhibition, with Burri and Afro. The "sky" of the shrine where he organized exhibitions of contemporary art, it can open or chiudersi alla vista delle volte dalla chiesa di San Marco. L'effetto osmotico tra i due spazi tra loro complementari è di grande respiro scenografico.
Ma veniamo ora ad Arca e alla mostra di oggi, alla chiesa di San Marco che contiene l'Arca, che a sua volta contiene l'arte italiana scelta dalla Grande Mela.
Questo prezioso assieme di valori storico-artistici, uno dentro l'altro, la "teca" che contiene l'Arca che contene lo "scrigno", è ciò che più ci ha colpito, ed in particolare il fatto che tutto sia in fieri, ovvero che la chiesa ed i suoi suggestivi affreschi siano tuttora in corso avanzato di restauro, rendendone visibili i lavori, che lo spazio delle mostre evolved to offer more and more prestigious productions, and that the 'Ark "that separates them becomes available, where appropriate, to highlight its osmosis, since it has a ceiling mobile, able to open and close depending on the needs of light and shadow, connection or separation of a decision is taken, even during the same events.
Another corner of the exhibition, which opened to the large audience was present
The device theca Ark surprising, despite its modest size (m . 29 x 7.5) and preparing it for development exhibition both inside and outside of 374 square meters, allows visitors to combine modern art and ancient art, comparing the productions of the secular culture with those of the sacred art of unicum in Piedmont figurative, landscape, consisting of the "Genealogy of the Virgin", which is one of the best examples of medieval fresco, a typical feature of its own so strong today in our region.
Umberto Boccioni, Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, 1913. This is one of three versions of this sculpture: it belongs to the Guggenheim collection. Another version is on display at the Museum of the twentieth century Milan. The third is at the Tate Modern in London.
the shrine today, the exhibition curated by Luca Massimo Barbero is devoted to Italian art that fascinated Solomon Guggenheim and determine their choice in the formation of its prestigious collection. Therefore we so thoroughly understand the American taste for Italian art movements that have gone through the early years of last century, especially in Milan, Futurism Boccioni, Sironi, Carrà, but then also of Italians in Paris, as Modigliani . A discovery, that of Solomon, which has certainly affected every subsequent artistic event of the modern, to this day ours.
Peggy Guggenheim in 1957, next to "The Nostalgia of the Poet" by Giorgio De Chirico, promotes new fashion bigness,
wearing large belt and earrings by Alexander Calder (photo taken from the catalog of the exhibition, "Once art exhibitions and museums")
We also have the opportunity to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the father of Peggy and Peggy was about to devote himself, devoted to this art, then by purchasing the works to expand their collection, and the pioneer of American, Frank Lloyd Wright, was to design and build the temple of New York in the '50s, by themselves commisionatogli. Find out why Burri, Capogrossi, Fontana, widow, from their favorite artists such as after those who had formed twentieth-century avant-garde, as well as De Pisis and Morandi, already belonged to Gianni Mattioli Collection, and landed at Ca 'Venier dei Leoni, which long-term loan in 1997. Sure, the American master who was building the Temple (the Ark primitive) that they would be content if they have already imagined the position along the perimeter of the immense spiral degrading his genius that he was orchestrating, As his project was progredendo.
Il pubblico è particolarmente attratto dal "Ritratto di uno studente, opera databile tra il 1918 e il 19 di Amedeo Modigliano. Essa, assieme all'opera di Capogrossi, è icona della mostra, essendo stata posta in posizione centrale rispetto all'intero percorso
Ci ha spiegato il curatore le motivazioni che lo hanno indotto ad introdurre nell'allestimento una logica cronologica contraria alla norma, partendo dagli anni '60 per procedere a ritroso sino all'inizio del secolo lungo i percorsi della mostra, quasi una scoperta delle origini della modernità, a partire dalla grande e bella tela di Capogrossi, intitolata "Area 512", which also marked the formation of a specific artistic taste national, internationally recognizable, in the stages of the centenary of the Unit to date, which will celebrate its 150th anniversary.
Giorgio Morandi "Still Life" in 1954
The paintings, drawings, sculptures on display are among the most beautiful and significant of the twentieth century, and that the great Guggenheim collection you could place here: we mention, for example, among the most expensive works in us, among the works exhibited as many as 8 of Mario Sironi, Urban Landscape, 1921, among the most effective and capable of representing the sintetica figurazione dell'artista milanese. Vogliamo ricordare poi, bellissima, la "torre rossa", di De Chirico, del 1913, metafisica piazza italiana superbamente orchestrata con poche simboliche figure d'alto imprinting dechirichiano. Di Umberto Boccioni è stupenda la "Periferia", del 1909, ma ancor più forse, "Materia" del 1912. Molto fresco e moderno è anche il disegno "Controluce", del 1910, da noi molto apprezzato, specie nel contesto di questa mostra.
Umberto Boccioni, "Materia", superbo grandioso olio del 1912, con riprese del 1913, di dimensioni notevoli (226 x 150 cm)
(From the catalog of the exhibition, "Once art exhibitions and museums")
(From the catalog of the exhibition, "Once art exhibitions and museums")
Definitely the level of notable among them being Morandi "Still Life" in 1954, the unusual size, delicate and soft as perhaps no other of its author, very typical and then the widow, Fontana and Burri present, among which I particularly the "Great Black Plastic, the latter of 1964, in which the material swells and poor almost boiling to show how the event purely material able to give their individual art and new interpretation of meaning as a matter for the form. Capogrossi overflows by itself in shows to be the giant, well-placed at the entrance of each path, but it works really superior to many of his other, to breath, and set design capacity of the plant.
Medardo Rosso, Gaetano Previati and Adolfo Wildt, respectively, in "Ecce Puer" 1906, "Boy with a basket of fruit" of 1916 and "crying on the locked door" in 1915, opening and closing shows the intention, together with Capogrossi, so tightly to him.
The audience crowded the presentation of the curator Luca Massimo Barbero, the entire initiative. In the background the big picture of Giuseppe Capogrossi "Area 512", 200 x 300 cm, purchased da Solomon Guggenheim ma mai giunto nella sua sede naturale. Oggi, per diverse vicissitudini,
è a Roma, al Museo Nazionale d'Arte Moderna
Crediamo possano essere assai utili, mostre di questo genere, assieme al contesto descritto, della stuttura che le contiene, e della città tutta che l'ha saputa esprimere e che ne crea il contesto territoriate e urbano, tutto da conoscere e riconoscere, ad un turismo che alimenti altro e nuovo turismo, ad una economia che tutti sappiamo essere fondamentale per il nostro paese, proprio all'insegna di quell'"Economia della conoscenza" che anche l'assessore vercellese Giorgio Fossale ha saputo riconoscere and enhance with this initiative, and that he would bind it to the production of new value added and possibly wider. He has certainly worked well in this regard in his city had been able to create a model that should be reproduced in many other "minor" local Italian.
The "Teca" Ark, Vercelli in the church of San Marco, with its ceiling opened and closed that highlights the rich vaults of the church with precious frescos. The project architect Ferdinand Fagnola Turin.
The case (the Ark) is a box of small size. It measures soltanto 29 x 7,5 m e consente un percorso all'interno dei suoi ambienti lungo 110 m. Nonostante queste dimensioni contenute, dovute alle dimensioni della chiesa che la contiene, nella quale pure il pubblico entra per asmmirarne le pareti perimetrali, essa appare del tutto appropriata ad accogliere mostre di medie dimensioni, avendo ciò dimostrato, non solo in quest'ultima mostra della quale parliamo in questo articolo, ma anche in tutte le mostre che l'hanno preceduta, sempre allestite con misura e buon gusto, con armonia ed equilibrio
The case (the Ark) is a box of small size. It measures soltanto 29 x 7,5 m e consente un percorso all'interno dei suoi ambienti lungo 110 m. Nonostante queste dimensioni contenute, dovute alle dimensioni della chiesa che la contiene, nella quale pure il pubblico entra per asmmirarne le pareti perimetrali, essa appare del tutto appropriata ad accogliere mostre di medie dimensioni, avendo ciò dimostrato, non solo in quest'ultima mostra della quale parliamo in questo articolo, ma anche in tutte le mostre che l'hanno preceduta, sempre allestite con misura e buon gusto, con armonia ed equilibrio
Noi faremo certamente in modo che ciò possa avvenire, utilizzando i mezzi di cui disponiamo, per dare il nostro contributo alla promozione della realtà culturale vercellese, e per indicate in this city a center of significant initiatives within the context of urban history and art from distant origins.
Henry Mercatali
Vercelli, February 26, 2011
(photo by Henry Mercatali, unless stated "from the exhibition catalog)
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