Headquarters: Via De Gasperi N 7 - 07100 Sassari .- vat 02244840902
National Register Coop . there A 181209 - RAS Registry coop.ve Sec. B - n.193 (SS
notice selection based on qualifications and examinations of Applied Librarian c / o the City of Osidda
the coop. Sociale Lune 2000 states that you open the selection based on qualifications and tests on the insurance applied for a job as librarian at the public library in Osidda.
La Lune 2000 Cooperative index to a selection procedure for the assignment of a contract of employment and part-time to develop the service.
For admission to the selection based on qualifications and interview are required with the following requirements:
- diploma high school certificate or maturity;
- residence in the town of Osidda;
- minimum age: 18 years;
- Italian citizenship (a requirement not required for those outside the European Union)
- physical fitness employment;
- enjoyment of the rights inherent in the vote;
- regular position with regard to military service;
- not be incurred in the removal from public office;
- not guilty in criminal proceedings involving the dismissal from public office.
- computer knowledge.
- Basic knowledge of a language of 'Union European Union. The assignment of
will be made following the list prepared on the basis of the sum of the scores of thirty allocated in relation to the evaluation criteria noted below
According to the parameters indicated in the table listed below:
VOTING SCORING ------- ------------
60/100 ----- 2 ---------------- 2
70/100 80/100
----------------- 4
100/100 90/100 ----------------- 4 ---------------- 6
Scoring will be duly converted when there are candidates who have obtained diploma in the sixtieth.
Title Degree in humanities will be entitled to an additional 2 points
1. Having worked in the library:
- will be awarded 1 point for each six months of service for similar services in public or private entities duly documented (Maximum score 2 points)
2. Certificates of specialization or to participate in training courses in library and related materials (Maximum score 2 points for each certificate)
3. Long-term unemployment
- will receive 2 points for each year of unemployment certified (score maximum 4 points).
3. DISCUSSION AND TECHNICAL aptitude (max: 12)
Each candidate will be interviewed technical and psychological aptitude that will focus on these subjects:
a) evaluation of social skills (specifically with children);
b) library organization;
c) general knowledge (especially on new models of transmission and dissemination of knowledge and knowledge through the computer network). Maximum score 12 points
The candidate who successfully passed the test must make before taking a mandatory volunteer training period of one month (free) at the library City Osidda flanked operator who currently plays the role.
The internship is mandatory only for those who have never worked in the services of public libraries.
At the same score will be chosen, the older candidate.
Applications duly completed in accordance with the special scheme of the attached form which can be picked up at the office of the municipal social services must be delivered to' Human Services Office of the City of Osidda in a sealed envelope not later than the 25th day of February 2011.
Manual of Library / George Montague, Fabio Venudo. Milan: Editrice Ref 1995
The text is available at the library Osidda.
Sassari, 10/02/11
President and legal representative Dr.
. Angelo Roberto Spezzigu
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