A Milano una mostra di delizie, dedicata a Giuseppe Arcimboldo
La statua alta 5 metri, in vetroresina, American contemporary Philip Haas, looms in front of the Milan show.
It is a tribute to one of the most famous works of Giuseppe Arcimboldo: 's "Winter", and also represents its cultural relevance. (Photo by Henry Mercatali)
Giuseppe Arcimboldo, L' "Inverno", del 1563, Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum
Milano, a Palazzo Reale, dal 10 febbraio al 22 maggio 2011
Giuseppe Arcimboldo, "Slitta con pavone", penna, inchiostro blu e acquerello, cm 15,7 x 18,75
Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe, Uffizi (Firenze)
L'artista moderno, anticipatore d' avanguardie sette, otto e novecentesche, è protagonista d'una mostra che richiamerà a sè visitatori da tutto il mondo
In questa immagine "Il bibliotecario", Olio su tela cm 97 x 71, dal Castello di Skokloster, Styrelsen, Svezia
Inaugura il prossimo 10 febbraio, a Milano, nelle sale di Palazzo Reale, una mostra tanto attesa, quanto eccellente, per la provenienza delle opere, e per il prestigio dell'equipe che l'ha curata e che ne ha realizzato il progetto.
Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Autoritratto, 1575, Penna ed acquerello blu su carta, cm 23 x 15,7, Narodni Galerie, Praga
La direttrice della Pinacoteca del Kunthistorisches Museum di Vienna, il prestigioso museo che ne possiede la maggior parte delle opere, assieme al Museo parigino del Louvre ne è la curatrice, in collaborazione con la qualificata composizione del Comitato Scientifico formato da Giacomo Berra, Giulio Bora, Chiara Buss, Silvio Leydi, Roberto Miller, Giuseppe Olmi, Caterina Pirina, Francesco Porzio e Lucia Tomasi Tongiorgi.
Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Progetto per costume "Il Drago", penna, inchiostro blu e acquerello su carta, 29 x 19 cm. Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe, Uffizi (Firenze)
Ciò che questa illustre compagine di esperti si è proposto è quello di ricomporre il contesto nel quale ha preso origine l'arte arcimboldiana, nel quale il panorama culturale Milan and Leonardo's art, in the Sixteenth Century, had its maximum weight. It has also proposed to explore the cultural roots which moved the young artist, in the Milan, which led him to investigate and develop the theme of still life, so much that it has formed, which is the theme that much has been followed, with Caravaggio, the spread as part of a survey method that is the source of that script arcimboldese which had much luck in the following centuries throughout Europe, to become its own array of avant-garde art twentieth century.
Giuseppe Arcimboldo, "L'Acqua", Dipinto ad olio del 1566, Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum
Specie animali che compongono l'allegoria (vedi in basso la legenda):
PESCI: 1. Murena Murena (Teleostei)- 2, Mola Mola, Pesce luna (Teleostei)- 3, Hippocampus Hippocampus, Cavalluccio marino (Teleostei)- 4, Salmo Trutta (Trota adriatica) (Teleostei)- 5, Belone belone, Aguglia (Teleostei)- 6, Sciaena Umbra, Corvina (Teleostei) - 7, Exos Lucius Pike (Teleostei) - 8, Lota elongata, ling (Teleostei) - 9, Cyclopterus, lumpfish (Teleostei) - 10, Cyclopterus, lumpfish (Teleostei) - 11, Botide (Teleostei) - 12, wrasse, Labrus Tardus, Thrush (Telostei) - 13, triglide, Capone (Teleostei) - 14, triglide Capone (Teleostei) - 15, Agonus, Mouse Sea (Teleostei) - 16, Pegasus (Teleostei) - 17, Raja, Raja clavata, Race (Teleostei) - 18, head of a teleost (Teleostei) - 19, Catfish-20, Head of teleost-21, head of teleosts after drying-22, Head of teleost-23, id .- 24, id .- 25, dorsal fin Callyonimus, Tarragon-26, caudal fin of a teleost-27, id-28, Branchie di un Teleosteo- 29, Pelle di Scylioirhinus canicula, Gattuccio, Selaci- 30, Squalo con barbigli (Eterodontide)- 31, Luccio, con branchie soprannumerarie.
ANFIBI: 32, Rana Temporaria- RETTILI: 33, Caretta caretta, Tartaruga Caretta (Chelonidi)- MAMMIFERI: 34, Pelagius Monachus, Foca Monaca (Pinnipedi)- 35, Testa di Foca (Pinnipedi)- 36, id.- 37, Figura di un Pinnipede somigliante a un anfibio- INVERTEBRATI: Cnidarians: 38, Corallium Rubrum, Red Coral (Esacoralli) - 39, Profile of Sea Pen (Pennatulacei) - Platyhelminthes: 40, Planaria, Turbellaria Annelids-Polychaetes: 41, the family of the Annelida Phillodocidae-42, unidentified annelid-CLITELLATI : 43, Irudineo, Leech-marine molluscs 44, tritonium nodiferum, Triton nodifero (Prosobranchi) - 45, Buccium, Snitch (Prosobranchi) - 46, 1d-47-48 unidentifiable, slugs (Pulmonata) - Lamellibranchs: 49, Arca, Arca (Filibranchi) - 50, Cardium, cockles (Eulamellibranchi) - 51, id-52-53 Pearl Oyster, Pearl Oyster-Cephalopods: 54, Sepia officinalis, Sepia Policy (Decapoda) - 55, Octopus, Octopus (octopus) - SHELL: 56, Squilla Mantis, canocchia (Oplocaridi)- 57, Astacus fluviatidis, gambero di fiume, Peracaridi Decapodi- 58, Palaemon, (cotto), Gamberetto, Perecaridi Decapodi- 59, Cancer Pagurus, Dormiglione, Peracaridi Decapodi- 60, Astacus Astacus, Gambero di fiume- ECHINODERMI: 61, Asteroideo- ECHINOIDEI: 62, Corona costituita da raggi il cui aspetto ricorda gli aculei di un Cidaroideo. OSSERVAZIONI: Il numero delle specie rappresentate è leggermente superiore al numero di specie identificate. Alcuni animali sono rappresentati in modo troppo msommario per permettere una diagnosi sicura. Si noterà che i diversi animali non sono rappresentati alla stessa scala. Alcini animali rappresentati non corrispondono a forme note. Taluni caratteri anatomici appaiono voluntarily changed, particularly the eyes, buying a humanoid character, for both the change in the form that the exaggeration of size (card taxonomic established with the assistance of the Laboratory of Ichthyology at the Museum of Natural History in Paris, and Pierre Noel Depeche Jean - Paris)
Although, this quasi-linear critical interpretation is now universally accepted, the basis for success even more recently that the most important exhibitions of art had Arcimboldi, what today, in this exhibition in Milan, the team organization intends to do is to investigate in the opposite direction, or the reasons that led to the effects arcimboldiani rise so many imitations and inspiration to them later, rather than looking at the before the after, or the origins of his career.
Giuseppe Arcimboldo, The Jurist, 1566, Oil on canvas, 64 x 51 cm, Statens Konstsamlingar Gripsholm Slott, Sweden
why so crucial Lombard is the investigation, the links with the culture around which Leonardo himself has made, artistic workshops in Milan during the Grand Duchy of Moro, the comparison between the designs of youth Arcimboldo with naturalistic illustration Lombard between '4 and 500, and the important role that systematic scientific inquiry, which was the theoretical maximum in Leonardo, whose studies in "typing" human expressions in the basis of gender, age, fonts, etc.., are the theoretical philosophical summa that in those years was mainly on the artist, whose figure gathers into every kind of speculation. E 'in the heat of these factors increases the figure of Arcimboldo, who makes his point to commit himself almost exclusively, with, of course unconsciously, the foundations of a future art to be very durable and persistent.
Giuseppe Arcimboldi, "Vertunni", a portrait of Rudolf II of Asbirgo (Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire between 1576 and 1612),
executed in 1590, Oil on wood 70.5 x 57.5 cm, Sloklosters Slott, Sweden
E 'this occasion, with Arcimboldi in the exhibition, to explore the themes, characters and especially the visual pleasure that is goes!
Perhaps for this reason the exhibition is also an opportunity to bring the kids to art, because it knows how to make them smile. So it says, to promote it among young viewers, the "Day of the Boys":
"Milanese artist Arcimboldo-between Leonardo and Caravaggio" Arcimboldo was born in Milan in 1527, born Giuseppe Arcimboldi, son of Biagio, a painter the Fabbrica del Duomo. Son of art dunque, ma classico caso in cui il pargolo supera il padre-maestro per fama e bravura. A Milano conobbe l'arte di Leonardo, dal quale ha tratto ispirazione, si dice, soprattutto dalle sue caricature di teste umane; caricature che l'Arcimboldo elabora in modo originale, usando i frutti della Natura per comporle. Estro che lo porta a essere tra i primi a lanciare un nuovo tema pittorico, quello della "natura morta".
Giuseppe Arcimboldo, "l'Ortolano", Natura morta reversibile, 1590, Olio su tavola, cm 35 x 24, Museo Civico Ala Ponzone, Cremona
Qui per me il motivo dei sorrisi: non perché tale natura sia ridicola in sé, ma per la fantasia di essere rappresentata in modo così "vivo"! Comunque, proprio il tema della natura morta a sua volta ispirerà Michelangelo Merisi, il Caravaggio, nato in questa stessa città e che alle origini della famiglia (Caravaggio, appunto, in provincia di Bergamo) deve il suo soprannome.
Giuseppe Arcimboldo, "l'Ortolano", Natura morta reversibile, 1590, Olio su tavola, cm 35 x 24, Museo Civico Ala Ponzone, Cremona
In addition to the Royal Palace's most famous paintings dell'Arcimboldo (the cycle of the Four Elements, the Four Seasons, the heads "reversible", that is watchable even upside down) there will be sketches and drawings by Leonardo and Jerome's port, as well as work by a contemporary artist, the American Philip Haas: 5 meters of fiberglass, obviously inspired by the Milanese painter bizarre. "
Giuseppe Arcimboldo, "The Fire", 1566, Oil on wood 66.5 x 51 cm, Gemäldegalerie, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
So instead we say "La Repubblica:" It has become a legend with its triumphs of the art of fruit and vegetables, apples and red peppers cascades orchestrated on the canvas to form faces of noble title, dame with eyes shaped like a shrimp, eggplant riders with helmets and courtiers with ruffs of asparagus and herbs. Arcimboldo, the sixteenth-century Milanese painter, had invented a genre somewhere between portraiture and still life.
Giuseppe Arcimboldo, costume design for "Cook", pen and blue ink and watercolor on paper, 30.5 x 20 cm, Prints and Drawings, Uffizi, Florence
What has become so famous, but who helped bring him to history as a great caricaturist, although, in reality, his story is more complex. This was revealed in the exhibition "Arcimboldo - Artist Milan between Leonardo and Caravaggio" Royal Palace produced by the City of Milan in cooperation with Skira and the Kunsthistorisches Museum of Vienna (from which come many works on display). Art and its authors that interweaves history, help to restore the climate of an era marked by the luxury of the richest in the courts of Europe.
Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. (2:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday, Thursday and Saturday 9:30 to 22:30). Until May 22.
Mercatali Henry Milan, 8 February 2011