In previous articles and other international Notebooks (13 September 2010, January 7, 2011) we showed our point of view about the centrality of Lesa - Lake Maggiore, and of course the territory in which geographically located and Urbanism, also including those of the municipalities the neighborhood on the western shore of the lake. We had given this concept of centrality that included a very broad connotation not only aspects of physical proximity to places where economic interests are concentrated, social and cultural rights, such as to cause short transfer times to reach them, but also those who are a psychological attraction, and where choices must be made for residential, whether you are identified in terms of the major tourist attractions.
In this article we want to introduce aspects of the administrative life of Lesa which concern matters that certainly have much to do with those before treatment, and form elements of primary importance for the life of its citizens, regardless of the broader issues that we had in previous articles highlighted. For this twofold reason, therefore, issues that are debated in recent days as part of civic policies must be considered by everyone (citizens and administrators) of the utmost importance.
Two issues in particular are now on the table, even on the table of who is ruling Lesa, great little town on the western shore of Lake Maggiore, which, despite their infinitesimal insignificance compared to the overall policy framework of territorial regions of Northern Italy (within the general framework of governance of the choices of our metropolitan area and inter-regional) are still very significant and important, even within the narrow concerns, because the decisions will be taken once faced and then translated into decisions administrative produce huge effects and unpredictable quando riverberati negli anni a venire negli ambiti territorialmente più vasti della sua centralità.

(tutte le fotografie di questo articolo, che illustrano Lesa dopo la prima nevicata invernale, sono di Enrico Mercatali)

Primo: cosa decidere circa il destino, purtroppo già in parte tracciato, della Valle dell'Erno (l'area geografica naturale che la unisce al massiccio montuoso del Mottarone), e quindi del bacino del lago Orta.
Second, how to deal with the completion of the lake, which reflected the impact of its facilities while moderse entire western shore of the Verbano.

seems to be little things, those two things, in the macroeconomic, social and cultural route first, but they are not in the context of the subtle equilibrium that now hold the territorial choices still to be recruited. They all seem a small thing the problems of this nature and extent that the hundreds of small towns across the region first evoked. But, if put together, side by side, they give the measure of the enormity of choice that the citizens of this part of the world should work, and how sia sottile il margine che separa il meglio dal peggio, per tutti noi, se, tutti quanti assieme, si sbagli nel scegliere di qui, piuttosto che di là. E quanto grande sia il rischio di assegnare al futuro un segno negativo, per le future generazioni, se non addirittura per la stessa specie umana.

Consci come siamo di questo pericolo, e di quanto sottile sia tale margine, siamo sempre per dare la preferenza alla ponderazione, alla discussione, all'approfondimento conoscitivo, alla giusta misura piccola piuttosto che a quella grande, magari non adeguatamente centrata.

(foto di Enrico Mercatali)
Anche se tali due problemi (il destino della Valle dell'Erno e l'assetto definitivo del lungolago) sono assai diversi tra loro, per natura e per dimensione, crediamo che debbano essere affrontati, alla luce di quanto prima abbiamo affermato, allo stesso modo: prendere tempo per dare alle risposte la soluzione più ragionata, quella che raccoglie il maggior numero dei pareri.
Credo che, più in particular, the central proposals in the Valley of the hernia should say no, at least so long that those who would like to build, do not give sufficient guarantees that may seem to most towns of headings (but now I do not think that it is still so) . So we welcome that additional investigation. I believe should also be well assessed, however, the problem of summer drought in the villages, which I think is the main counterpart to a public private businnes. Look there the best possible guarantee of success of this part of the program. And of course the careful examination of the impact testing, do not let the sun in the hands of those who made them, but in a variety of hands esperte che esprimano tendenze anche diverse in ambito sovracomunale.
Il problema del lungolago, anche se apparentemente di minore importanza, costituisce il biglietto da visita più evidente di una località che, per tanti buoni motivi, oggi sa attrarre turismo sul suo territorio.
Completare il lungolago a Lesa (la porzione che collega l'edificio della Ex Società Operaia) con il territorio del Comune di Belgirate) significa fondamentalmente tracciare un percorso pedonale (e, se si vuole anche ciclabile) su quella fascia di land separating the state from the shores of the lake, nothing less and nothing more. Because it is already very beautiful way, and needs no additional attractors. It needs, however, implemented in supplementing it.
In this sense, our proposal is to minimize the cost of furnishing a simple and instead grow those relating to the structure that still need to make the connection between the physical state of the Simplon Pass and the banks of the lake. Reduce the number of benches or tables, or any games for children, and initiate the required overhang of bank, where it is lacking, to create the definitive link between the existing promenade and Lesa Belgirate.

(photo by E. Mercatali)
give similar advice to all municipalities that still need such facilities, so that in a few years can give rise to a cycle-pedestrian path along the entire western shore of Lake Maggiore, a work that will attract as much tourism even we imagine, always know that you intended to be wide and generous in terms of the future.
notebooks will make specific proposals on the same magazine, on how to address the points along that path, that seem to have any chance of seam between the parties already existing, mostly consisting of private property with lake access.
Henry Mercatali
Lesa, January 2011
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