If the beginning of the 80s had suggested a future scenario for Rome, some of the images that we had, after twenty years, there would have seemed unrealistic, waiting decadent and filled with the idea of \u200b\u200b"internationalism", intended as pure "materialist colonialism", typical of those years.
Images from FRIGIDAIRE - drawings of T. Liberatore
Moreover, the literature (Roberto Vacca - "The Middle Ages near future"), movies (Blade Runner) and, in general, all new art forms to bring us a picture of the future without a past "or to a future where internationalism that today we call globalization, preempted any shape and character of the locale. In other words these were the years of the "model Amerika.
Fortunately, the weather did not give reason to the weather and now we realize that nothing, or nearly so, the city has changed and the same people who still ask themselves:
Moreover, the literature (Roberto Vacca - "The Middle Ages near future"), movies (Blade Runner) and, in general, all new art forms to bring us a picture of the future without a past "or to a future where internationalism that today we call globalization, preempted any shape and character of the locale. In other words these were the years of the "model Amerika.
Fortunately, the weather did not give reason to the weather and now we realize that nothing, or nearly so, the city has changed and the same people who still ask themselves:
what will be the future scenario?
So you'd think that perhaps not enough to change the terminology (instead of globalization, internationalism, etc.). But we need to change the method of approach to "future problem" (problem as incognito) began to ask: what future scenario
So you'd think that perhaps not enough to change the terminology (instead of globalization, internationalism, etc.). But we need to change the method of approach to "future problem" (problem as incognito) began to ask: what future scenario
would that be realized?
View current Tiber and Castel S. Angelo from Ponte Vittorio Emanuele II
therefore, takes shape a new vision of the city (or rather the "places") where the man, both as actor and as a user, will not be innovation, but will handle the adaptation to the local level. The new Roman architectural features, then, may be based, not on "Globalisation wild ", meaning the colonization of barren market, but the fusion of historical and environmental elements with the structures of a modern city. In other words, the image of the "city of tomorrow" will be built on the coexistence and integration of the global and the local, having the opportunity to propose the validity of a historic city and art, and not strictly bound by the past, but push towards the solution of new problems, given the wide spread of mass communication, will necessitate a different interpretation and use.

Vista virtual Lungotevere and Castel S. Angelo from Ponte Vittorio Emanuele II
The project exposed the possibility of returning shows an exterior view of the city historical "similar" to how it was designed and built (local need), locating the "new" structures (globalization) in a "lost", or rather not just the city. This provides a new interpretation of optimizing the use of the same territory.
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