° Year 2004 - City of Rocca di Papa - Project for the construction of a complex of four-family town in Valle San Lorenzo Consortium Client: Private
° Year 2004 - City of Rome - Plan for the renovation and furnishing of new offices of the See of Rome in Via Bertoloni 3 / d. Customer: CEMENTILCE SpA
° Year 2004 - City of Palestrina - Project for the construction of a building within the recreational complex "Source Cecilian" - Client: SOURCE Cecilian Ltd

° Year 2003 - City of Ardea - Project building for residences and commercial premises in the locality Tor S. Lorenzo, via Laurentina - Client: GR.GS. Ltd.

° Year 2002 - City of Palestrina - Variant for the redevelopment of subcomprensorio "H" in the area of \u200b\u200bCauseway C3 EPP - Client: The Rock Ltd RESIDENCE
° Year 2001 - City of Rocca di Papa - Project for the General Piazza della Repubblica - Client: City of Rocca di Papa

° Year 2000 - City of Rocca di Papa - Project for the renovation and restoration of a building in the complex "Casale Guardians' locality Molara - Client: Private
° Year 2000 - City of Ardea - Project for the construction of residential units in detached places Caffarella - Lido dei Pini - mc. about 4,000 - Client: Private
° Year 1999 - City of Ardea - Project for the realization of an elementary school in S. Antonio - Client: Ardea
° Year 1997 - City of Rome - Restructuring, new roof and drainage curtain wall elements containing asbestos-cement building in via Bertoloni 3 / d - 5 square Pythagoras - Client: Grinch Srl - Iberia Lineas Aereas de España (Arch & Ernesto Rampelli)

· Year 1996 - City of Palestrina (RM) - Project and D.LL. of a residential building on a Eliano - mc. 700 - Client: VALCO Srl
° Year 1994 - City of Ardea (RM) - Project and D.LL. a building for residential and shopping street in town Laurentina Tor S. Lorenzo - mc.6.000 - Client: REAL ESTATE LE.SCA. Srl
° Year 1994 - City of Ardea - Design and D.LL. a building for 20 terraced houses in locations Tor S. Lorenzo in the streets and Laurentina Resort - mc.5.000 - Client: TOR SAN LORENZO MARINA
SpA. Year 1994 - Marital Status - Vatican Design and D.LL. for the restructuring of the national headquarters of the new offices within the former UNITALSI Vicariate in Rome by della Pigna 13 - Committente: U.N.I.T.A.L.S.I.
· Anno 1993 - Comune di Ardea (RM) - Progetto e D.LL. di una casa albergo e abitazioni in località Tor S. Lorenzo via Scrivia - mc.7.000 - Committente: GEIF S.r.l.
· Anno 1992 - Comune di Rocca di Papa (RM) - Progetto e D.LL. di un villino bifamiliare in via S. Sebastiano - Committente: BELLART S.a.s.
· Anno 1991 - Comune di Roma - Progetto e D.LL. per vari edifici residenziali in XII e XVII Circoscrizione - Committenti: privati
· Anno 1990 - Comune di Rocca di Papa (RM) - Progetto e D.LL. di un edificio di alloggi duplex a schiera in via di Frascati - Committente: VILLAVERDE 90 S.r.l.
· Anno 1990 - Comune di Rocca di Papa (RM) - Progetto e D.LL. per a residential complex of detached villas in three-four-way of the chestnut - Client: FAIRY HILL REAL ESTATE Srl
80 ° Year 1988-90 - City of Rocca di Papa (RM) - Projects and D.LL. for residences and complexes of bungalows and detached single-family
° Year 1985 - City of Ardea (RM) - Project and D.LL. for 24 apartments in Marina di Ardea via Bologna - Client: Seidio Snc
° Year 1982 - City of Rocca di Papa (RM) - Project and D.LL. a complex of detached villas in via delle Rose - Client: ERASnc
With Arch.tti E. Damiani, E. Rampelli and Mr. M. Maugini
° Year 1978 - City di Roma - Alloggi sociali Coop. “Verde 1” nel quartiere di Grottaperfetta
· Anno 1980 - Comune di Roma - Alloggi sociali Coop. “ Minerva 80” nel quartiere di Grottaperfetta
Con Arch. Eenesto Rampelli
· Anno 1984 - Comune di Jesi (AN) - Nuovi uffici per la sede di zona dell’ENEL di Jesi
Con studio C&P S.r.l. Roma (Arch. L. Bellini)
· Anno 1979 - Comune di S. Ginesio (MC) - Restauro del teatro “Giacomo Leopardi” (sec. XIX)
· Anno 1980 - Douala (CAMEROUN) - SHERATON Hotel, 350 bedrooms hotel - cat. 5 stars - floor area 26.000 sqm.
· Anno 1980 - Jeddah (SAUDI ARABIA) - Housing complex in Jeddah - Floor area 6,000 sqm.
° Year 1980 - Study for Africa - Prefabricated hotels, 80 hotel bedrooms - cat. 2 stars - floor area 4,500 sqm.
° Year 1981 - Jizan (Saudi Arabia) - THE JOLLY SAQQAF hotels - hotel 200 bedrooms - cat. 5 stars - floor area of \u200b\u200b20,000 sqm.
° Year 1981 - City of Rome - New office and warehouse AGFA-GEVAERT
With Arch E. Damiani
° Year 1979 - City of Frascati (RM) - PPA of Frascati
participated in competitions ideas and projects
° Year 1982 - Electronic office workstation - General Electric Plastics Europe - Collaboration with ISIA / Rome - The prize
° Year 1995 - Restructuring of the Hospital Complex S. Giovanni-Addolorata - Azienda Ospedaliera S. Giovanni-Addolorata Rome
° Year 1996 - the historical center of city planning Veroli - City of Veroli (FR)
° Year 1984 - Palazzo Venezia, Rome - Design of display systems for the exhibition of the Press and Information stand for the MINISTRY of Culture and Environment
° Year 1985 - Ergife Hotel Rome - World Philatelic Exhibition - Project for the stand of the State Printing (Arch & C. Edwards)
° Year 1987 - Foro Italico Rome - World Championships in Athletics A87 - Project for the preparation of promotional space - Client: Licensing Consultants SpA - Panini Group.
° Year 1987 - City of Venosa (PT) - Study for the establishment of a temporary museum on the site of archaeological excavations - Prof. M. Piperno Ministry of Culture and Environment.
· Miscellaneous layouts and designs for exhibitions and cultural events for individuals and institutions (Ministry of Culture and Environment, Air Force, etc.).
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