Friday, November 4, 2005

Angelique Flavour Of Love


° Year 2004 - City of Rocca di Papa - Project for the construction of a complex of four-family town in Valle San Lorenzo Consortium Client: Private
° Year 2004 - City of Rome - Plan for the renovation and furnishing of new offices of the See of Rome in Via Bertoloni 3 / d. Customer: CEMENTILCE SpA
° Year 2004 - City of Palestrina - Project for the construction of a building within the recreational complex "Source Cecilian" - Client: SOURCE Cecilian Ltd

° Year 2003 - City of Ardea - Project building for residences and commercial premises in the locality Tor S. Lorenzo, via Laurentina - Client: GR.GS. Ltd.
° Year 2002 - City of Palestrina - Variant for the redevelopment of subcomprensorio "H" in the area of \u200b\u200bCauseway C3 EPP - Client: The Rock Ltd RESIDENCE
° Year 2001 - City of Rocca di Papa - Project for the General Piazza della Repubblica - Client: City of Rocca di Papa

° Year 2000 - City of Rocca di Papa - Project for the renovation and restoration of a building in the complex "Casale Guardians' locality Molara - Client: Private
° Year 2000 - City of Ardea - Project for the construction of residential units in detached places Caffarella - Lido dei Pini - mc. about 4,000 - Client: Private
° Year 1999 - City of Ardea - Project for the realization of an elementary school in S. Antonio - Client: Ardea
° Year 1997 - City of Rome - Restructuring, new roof and drainage curtain wall elements containing asbestos-cement building in via Bertoloni 3 / d - 5 square Pythagoras - Client: Grinch Srl - Iberia Lineas Aereas de España (Arch & Ernesto Rampelli)
· Year 1996 - City of Palestrina (RM) - Project and D.LL. of a residential building on a Eliano - mc. 700 - Client: VALCO Srl
° Year 1994 - City of Ardea (RM) - Project and D.LL. a building for residential and shopping street in town Laurentina Tor S. Lorenzo - mc.6.000 - Client: REAL ESTATE LE.SCA. Srl
° Year 1994 - City of Ardea - Design and D.LL. a building for 20 terraced houses in locations Tor S. Lorenzo in the streets and Laurentina Resort - mc.5.000 - Client: TOR SAN LORENZO MARINA
SpA. Year 1994 - Marital Status - Vatican Design and D.LL. for the restructuring of the national headquarters of the new offices within the former UNITALSI Vicariate in Rome by della Pigna 13 - Committente: U.N.I.T.A.L.S.I.
· Anno 1993 - Comune di Ardea (RM) - Progetto e D.LL. di una casa albergo e abitazioni in località Tor S. Lorenzo via Scrivia - mc.7.000 - Committente: GEIF S.r.l.
· Anno 1992 - Comune di Rocca di Papa (RM) - Progetto e D.LL. di un villino bifamiliare in via S. Sebastiano - Committente: BELLART S.a.s.
· Anno 1991 - Comune di Roma - Progetto e D.LL. per vari edifici residenziali in XII e XVII Circoscrizione - Committenti: privati
· Anno 1990 - Comune di Rocca di Papa (RM) - Progetto e D.LL. di un edificio di alloggi duplex a schiera in via di Frascati - Committente: VILLAVERDE 90 S.r.l.
· Anno 1990 - Comune di Rocca di Papa (RM) - Progetto e D.LL. per a residential complex of detached villas in three-four-way of the chestnut - Client: FAIRY HILL REAL ESTATE Srl
80 ° Year 1988-90 - City of Rocca di Papa (RM) - Projects and D.LL. for residences and complexes of bungalows and detached single-family
° Year 1985 - City of Ardea (RM) - Project and D.LL. for 24 apartments in Marina di Ardea via Bologna - Client: Seidio Snc
° Year 1982 - City of Rocca di Papa (RM) - Project and D.LL. a complex of detached villas in via delle Rose - Client: ERASnc


With Arch.tti E. Damiani, E. Rampelli and Mr. M. Maugini

° Year 1978 - City di Roma - Alloggi sociali Coop. “Verde 1” nel quartiere di Grottaperfetta
· Anno 1980 - Comune di Roma - Alloggi sociali Coop. “ Minerva 80” nel quartiere di Grottaperfetta

Con Arch. Eenesto Rampelli

· Anno 1984 - Comune di Jesi (AN) - Nuovi uffici per la sede di zona dell’ENEL di Jesi

Con studio C&P S.r.l. Roma (Arch. L. Bellini)

· Anno 1979 - Comune di S. Ginesio (MC) - Restauro del teatro “Giacomo Leopardi” (sec. XIX)
· Anno 1980 - Douala (CAMEROUN) - SHERATON Hotel, 350 bedrooms hotel - cat. 5 stars - floor area 26.000 sqm.
· Anno 1980 - Jeddah (SAUDI ARABIA) - Housing complex in Jeddah - Floor area 6,000 sqm.
° Year 1980 - Study for Africa - Prefabricated hotels, 80 hotel bedrooms - cat. 2 stars - floor area 4,500 sqm.
° Year 1981 - Jizan (Saudi Arabia) - THE JOLLY SAQQAF hotels - hotel 200 bedrooms - cat. 5 stars - floor area of \u200b\u200b20,000 sqm.
° Year 1981 - City of Rome - New office and warehouse AGFA-GEVAERT

With Arch E. Damiani

° Year 1979 - City of Frascati (RM) - PPA of Frascati

participated in competitions ideas and projects

° Year 1982 - Electronic office workstation - General Electric Plastics Europe - Collaboration with ISIA / Rome - The prize
° Year 1995 - Restructuring of the Hospital Complex S. Giovanni-Addolorata - Azienda Ospedaliera S. Giovanni-Addolorata Rome
° Year 1996 - the historical center of city planning Veroli - City of Veroli (FR)


° Year 1984 - Palazzo Venezia, Rome - Design of display systems for the exhibition of the Press and Information stand for the MINISTRY of Culture and Environment
° Year 1985 - Ergife Hotel Rome - World Philatelic Exhibition - Project for the stand of the State Printing (Arch & C. Edwards)
° Year 1987 - Foro Italico Rome - World Championships in Athletics A87 - Project for the preparation of promotional space - Client: Licensing Consultants SpA - Panini Group.
° Year 1987 - City of Venosa (PT) - Study for the establishment of a temporary museum on the site of archaeological excavations - Prof. M. Piperno Ministry of Culture and Environment.
· Miscellaneous layouts and designs for exhibitions and cultural events for individuals and institutions (Ministry of Culture and Environment, Air Force, etc.).

Thursday, November 3, 2005

How To Build A Popup Camper


If the beginning of the 80s had suggested a future scenario for Rome, some of the images that we had, after twenty years, there would have seemed unrealistic, waiting decadent and filled with the idea of \u200b\u200b"internationalism", intended as pure "materialist colonialism", typical of those years.
Images from FRIGIDAIRE - drawings of T. Liberatore

Moreover, the literature (Roberto Vacca - "The Middle Ages near future"), movies (Blade Runner) and, in general, all new art forms to bring us a picture of the future without a past "or to a future where internationalism that today we call globalization, preempted any shape and character of the locale. In other words these were the years of the "model Amerika.

Fortunately, the weather did not give reason to the weather and now we realize that nothing, or nearly so, the city has changed and the same people who still ask themselves:
what will be the future scenario?
So you'd think that perhaps not enough to change the terminology (instead of globalization, internationalism, etc.). But we need to change the method of approach to "future problem" (problem as incognito) began to ask: what future scenario
would that be realized?

View current Tiber and Castel S. Angelo from Ponte Vittorio Emanuele II

therefore, takes shape a new vision of the city (or rather the "places") where the man, both as actor and as a user, will not be innovation, but will handle the adaptation to the local level. The new Roman architectural features, then, may be based, not on "Globalisation wild ", meaning the colonization of barren market, but the fusion of historical and environmental elements with the structures of a modern city. In other words, the image of the "city of tomorrow" will be built on the coexistence and integration of the global and the local, having the opportunity to propose the validity of a historic city and art, and not strictly bound by the past, but push towards the solution of new problems, given the wide spread of mass communication, will necessitate a different interpretation and use.

Vista virtual Lungotevere and Castel S. Angelo from Ponte Vittorio Emanuele II

The project exposed the possibility of returning shows an exterior view of the city historical "similar" to how it was designed and built (local need), locating the "new" structures (globalization) in a "lost", or rather not just the city. This provides a new interpretation of optimizing the use of the same territory.