Hospitable city: the culture of design and green
(Luciano Crespi)
The quality of the contemporary city is increasingly dependent on the quality of its spaces, indoors and outdoors, even more than the eloquence of his "monuments". In particular, squares, streets and gardens, although they play a different role than in the past, provide a quality index for the region and its ability to offer hospitality to new areas of contemporary travelers. And are the real challenge of the project and its ability to respond to questions related to research of a new civilization of 'living. The same issue of urban green spaces fall into this perspective and is offered as an opportunity to reflect upon the role of design.
Luciano Crespi, architect, has taught Technology of the Polytechnic of Milan. He is currently professor of design at the School of Design of Milan Polytechnic, where he is chairman of the degree course in Interior Design. And 'member of the College of doctoral interior architecture at the Politecnico di Milano, and the Steering Committee of the Italian Society of design. Among his recent publications "Neotop" and "The exhibition ai tempi del viandante”.
High Green Tech Magazine
E 'now a new magazine devoted to high technology for green
(where knowledge of the agronomist and the architect have become one)
Carla Horat Trees,
Is now available a new biannual publication dedicated to the newest in greening technologies
(where the knowledge of the agronomist and of the architect weave together)
(where the knowledge of the agronomist and of the architect weave together)
symbol of the magazine is the leaf Gynkgo
(where knowledge of the agronomist and the architect have become one)
Carla Horat Trees,
The forest of signs , engraving, copper, 60x35 cm (1990)
NEMETON is a word of Celtic origin meaning sacred grove - the palce where the divin manifests itself that for the Celts an most other peoples that symbolized a sense of profond union with the world. It is where the union between nature and man, his identity, and his sense of belonging is evident.
Becoming ever more diffuse, a new attention in the presence of vegetation is completly Changing Our traditional understanding of what "green" means. This Involves change many things: agriculture and what we eat, and landscape architecture, design and how we live. Now More Than Ever We are coming to Recognize That All of These Aspects inextricabily are linked by a common denominator-the green factor.
The architecture is increasingly moving towards sustainability, towards an integration of nature within the buildings, and to search for materials that are as sustainable as possible . From the new integration between nature and architecture born hanging gardens , tetti che sono dei veri e propri giardini, muri verdi che permettono agli edifici di respirare.
NEMETON è parola di origine celtica che indica il bosco sacro, iul luogo in cui si manifesta il divino che per quei popoli, come per molti altri, equivale al sentimento di profondea unione con il mondo. Il bosco sacro è il luogo in cui si evidenzia l'unione tra natura e uomo, l'identità, l'appartenenza.
La tecnologia non è sufficiente, non basta sapere come fare, è necessario sapere perchè e cosa fare. E questo va cercato in ogni campo dei saperi dell'uomo, nelle filosofie, nelle religioni, nelle antropologie, nelle sienze della natura e in quelle dell'uomo.
is spreading a new focus to the element plant that completely changes the perspective with which we sin'ora considered "green." It 'a change that involves agriculture and thus food, architecture and landscape design and living. All fields are discovered, more than ever, indisolubilmente linked to a single common denominator, the component plant.
Having made the acquaintance, in Casabella Lesa-Lago Maggiore, Joseph Rosa, who is the Nemeton Publishing Coordinator, we also know, through him, that there has donated a few copies, this fine magazine, rich of subjects suffered a great apparcisi interesse e d'immagini accattivanti, incentrata su temi anche molto distanti fra loro, come "la bellezza", il "sapere-verde", l' "architettura e il design", lo "sky garden e il vertical farm", ma legati dal filo comune d'una visione aperta al futuro, disincantata e convinta che l'oggi deve preparare basi solide se vogliamo un domani capace di arridere a nuova vita per tutti gli abitanti di questa terra.
Technology is noy enough; one must also know what to do and why. These answers can be sought in all areas of human knowledge - in our philosophyes, religions, , and anthropologicals studies, and in the sciences of nature and man.
The architecture is increasingly moving towards sustainability, towards an integration of nature within the buildings, and to search for materials that are as sustainable as possible . From the new integration between nature and architecture born hanging gardens , tetti che sono dei veri e propri giardini, muri verdi che permettono agli edifici di respirare.
The Coolist ha stilato la classifica dei 10 capolavori di architettura sostenibile dotati di tetti verdi. Io ho deciso di aprire con la Nanyang School of Arts di Singapore , con il suo tetto mozzafiato piantato nel 2008. Tra i 10 tetti, ad ognuno dei quali The Coolist dedica una gallery per chi vuole ammirare dettagli e particolari, c’è anche l’Accademia delle Scienze della California , opera di Renzo Piano , il cui tetto è uno tra i migliori esempi di green roof al mondo, integrazione perfetta tra architettura e natura: i 2 acri e mezzo del tetto ospitano piante locali per la conservazione della biodiversità.
NEMETON è parola di origine celtica che indica il bosco sacro, iul luogo in cui si manifesta il divino che per quei popoli, come per molti altri, equivale al sentimento di profondea unione con il mondo. Il bosco sacro è il luogo in cui si evidenzia l'unione tra natura e uomo, l'identità, l'appartenenza.
La tecnologia non è sufficiente, non basta sapere come fare, è necessario sapere perchè e cosa fare. E questo va cercato in ogni campo dei saperi dell'uomo, nelle filosofie, nelle religioni, nelle antropologie, nelle sienze della natura e in quelle dell'uomo.
is spreading a new focus to the element plant that completely changes the perspective with which we sin'ora considered "green." It 'a change that involves agriculture and thus food, architecture and landscape design and living. All fields are discovered, more than ever, indisolubilmente linked to a single common denominator, the component plant.
Having made the acquaintance, in Casabella Lesa-Lago Maggiore, Joseph Rosa, who is the Nemeton Publishing Coordinator, we also know, through him, that there has donated a few copies, this fine magazine, rich of subjects suffered a great apparcisi interesse e d'immagini accattivanti, incentrata su temi anche molto distanti fra loro, come "la bellezza", il "sapere-verde", l' "architettura e il design", lo "sky garden e il vertical farm", ma legati dal filo comune d'una visione aperta al futuro, disincantata e convinta che l'oggi deve preparare basi solide se vogliamo un domani capace di arridere a nuova vita per tutti gli abitanti di questa terra.
Boschi sacri e giardini segreti
Paola Maresca
The forest is very ancient and sacred place of initiation. The sacredness of the forest is then extended to all the vegetation, such as treasure trove of knowledge and understanding. As the wood in the garden are hidden secrets and allegories. A complex system of symbols in fact characterizes the garden, where nature, specially designed and tuned to the frequencies of the soul, touches our deepest essence. This arcane knowledge informs the design of gardens, starting with the Middle Ages, where the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe garden is associated with the Garden of Eden and later gives birth to great parks and gardens alchemical until the beginning of romanticism where initiation routes cut out the paths and the garden becomes a stage for more extensive work.
Paola Maresca, an architect, has published "sacred groves and gardens enchanted" (1997), "enchanted gardens, sacred groves and magical architecture" (2004), "Gardens, fashions and exotic architecture" (2005), "Gardens , Women and Architecture "(2006) and" Gardens symbolic and magical plants "(2007). "Gardens and delight" (2009). Directs the Notebooks "Garden and Architecture."
Nemeton Leafing through some numbers, we realized, although we very close to the themes of architecture, the environment and the city, for passion and profession over thirty years, the ramifications of its specializations become sempre più fitte e articolate mano a mano che il tempo passa, e che facciamo fatica ad inseguirne tutti gli episodi più significativi, e le evoluzioni sia sul versante tecnico che su quello teorico.
Certamente questo del verde, visto attraverso una lente particolarmente potente che ne studia e diffonde gli aspetti tecnici che meglio sanno attribuirgli realistico peso all'interno delle attività umane, nonchè valide prospettive d'estendersi nell'ambito dei grandi progetti di sviluppo urbano e ambientale all'interno della stessa disciplina architettonica, in termini di soggetto (il più delle volte perfino da protagonista) e non più solo di complemento, ha saputo imporsi a tal punto oggi da avere bisogno di un magazine tutto e solo su di esso incentrato.
Parc de Bercy, 1993-1997, Parigi
Bernard Huet, Madeleine Ferrand, Jean-Pierre Feugas, Bernanrd Leroy (architetti)
Ian Le Caisne, Philippe Raguin (paesaggisti)
Ecco perciò Nemeton . La rivista appare subito complessa e ricca di sfaccettature gustose. In essa gli argomenti sono trattati così come l'informazione li divulga senza imporre soluzioni scontate o punti di vista teorici precostituiti in partenza. Essa va decisamente oltre tutto ciò che l'argomento verde ha significato e divulgato di sè fino a pochissimi anni fa, attraverso testate che hanno dovuto "cambiare aspetto", e targhet, pur di sopravvivere, attribuendo alle pratiche verdi una interpretazione quasi totalmente decorativa e "fai da te", ancorchè esposte con dovizia di "consigli utili" e di riferimenti alla manualistica d'uso. Tanto da potersi permettere il lusso oggi, Nemeton, ricambiandone totalmente la concezione espositiva e di mercato, di concentrarsi prevalentemente on issues of major projects, with horizons in management of large-scale social and institutional, rather than on the private aspects of small-scale, certainly more generous in terms of numbers of readers and fans, because they challenge the use of new market channels communication, and new issues to be resolved, some vital to the survival of certain balance achieved in terms of ecosystems, nay, more, it was possible to achieve by adopting a range of topics, as can be inferred from reading its indices, able to move simultaneously between the great philosophical questions underlying the issues of "beauty" or "historical knowledge", or those yet the relationship between "music and architecture" to those of scientific knowledge and practical ways of growing in certain weather conditions or employment, or diluted any possible specialization within general issues pertaining to art.
a job because of knowledge and dissemination, this Nemeton that investigates and promotes, which crosses horizontally and vertically muovasi each level of discourse around the questions which it arises: to spread the idea of \u200b\u200bscientific and practical ecological behavior of human beings, find the spot welds between "beauty and technique; migliorare l'ambiente diffondendo ed adottando soluzioni "verdi".
Nature urbane: giardini verticali e muri vegetali
Anna Lambertini, Daniele Romare
Nelle città che cambiano, la presenza diffusa di spazi aperti e di vegetazione, l’uso consapevole delle risorse naturali, la gestione creativa dei luoghi pubblici, così come l’attenzione ai temi della memoria culturale e dell’identità estetica dei paesaggi dell’ordinario e size daily, become essential factors to induce positive changes and to promote sustainable patterns of urban life. In this scenario fit the new technologies capable of vertical gardens, developing a tradition that uses technology to improve the quality of life.
Anna Lambertini, architect, has a PhD in landscape planning. Since 1994 he has been teaching and research at the Department of Urban Development and Territorial Planning, University of Florence. Currently a lecturer in the Landscape Master's Degree in Florence. Among the publications: "Vertical Gardens" (2007).
Daniel Romare introduced in Italy the work of Patrik Blank, deals with the development and distribution of products for design and system design of green innovation.
To give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe cut taken by the magazine, exploring the philosophical world that thrives on green issues, we only report some titles in that it offers its readers: "Neo -Nature today: toward a third flavor, "" Strategies for exploration and swarm behavior in the roots, "" When men arose from plants, "" The beauty of the soul as a cure, "" The path leads through the forest architecture "" The place della poesia". Ma, d'altro canto non sono pochi gli articoli che hanno come preciso obbiettivo quello di aggredire gli aspetti conoscitivi del livello scentifico, proponendone soluzioni che solo il versante high tech potrebbe adeguatamente affrontare. Anche in tal caso riportiamo dei titoli, presi a caso, per dimostrarne l'assunto: "Il parco storico bioenergetico di Villa Seghetti Panichi"; "Il ristorante sull'albero"; "Fattorie nello spazio"; "Green roofs"; " Una biopiscina da provare"; "L'agricoltura verticale"; "Emilio Ambaz, un'intervista".
Gilles Clement - Parc Henri Matisse, Alexander Lille-Gabbianelli, landscape architect
We want to signal to our readers through this magazine because, its pages, the issues that are particularly close to us, and often also occur in our articles. Because we know that they attract many of our readers and that they are doing with the system, will create spaces for meetings and even more interest. We strongly believe, we at INTERNATIONAL NOTEBOOKS, in this exchange, and not so much the issues discussed, as the spirit that animates the research as a way of being and of thinking about knowledge. Tourism, which is within we attended to be even more popular, is itself, as we have said many times since we opened our magazine, a way of conceiving the existence in the world, and to feel part of it. Knowledge is the main instrument, and this is where we felt close to "Nemeton", when we talked about it, leaf through and then reading it with Joseph Rosa, who handles relations with the traitor, in whose spirit has introduced us when we indicated our interests.
During this summer, EcoZoom , as it has done , wants to keep you updated on news and events that will be!
is held in Bologna , in ExpoGreen, the International Symposium dedicated to green vertical, roof gardens, vertical farm. at the Fiera di Bologna will present experts from all over the world, to describe the most advanced design and management of green spaces.
The most advanced research in sustainable architecture International arranges to meet with the HIGH GREEN TECH SYMPOSIUM, that promises to be one of the most important events of 2009. The focus is puntata sulle alte tecnologie per il verde , si mostreranno le ultime realizzazioni in materia di verde verticale, giardini pensili e vertical farm in Europa, formando nell’insieme un evento unico e inedito in Europa.
Una bella ed affascinante rivista, che avremmo forse preferito meno patinata e con una grafica meno dispersiva, più rigorosa, come lo è la piattaforma del suo orizzonte tematico. Ma e certo che ora, che la sappiamo esistere, essa ci accompagnerà nel tempo, sovrapponendosi ai nostri ragionamenti e fondendosi alle nostre altre passioni.
Esselibri Spa - Sistemi editoriali, Napoli, Italy
Publishing coordinator: Giuseppe Rosa
Director: Maurizio Corrado
Chief Editor: Laura Brignoli
Editorial coordination: Carolina Truzzi
Lesa, March 5, 2011
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