to the movies. WITHOUT EXCEPTION
film festival in circuit
From November 12 to December 21, 2010
a month of films on social .
Dal 19 Novembre 7 comuni della Sardegna
Cagliari, Sassari, Martis, Ossi, Osidda, Tempio Pausania e Tresnuraghes
ospiteranno la rassegna
Promosso dalle associazioni Amerindia e Spazio058-operatori di pace , si propone to support the citizens, through cinema, greater awareness towards the ' SOCIAL EXCLUSION , responding in this way, the invitation of the European Union has designated 2010 as European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion .
L ' event was made possible thanks to funding of the Culture of the Region of Sardinia and the cooperation of the municipalities involved and face the distribution of quality films and hard to find , as part of a cultural initiative which aims to promote the sviluppo , la promozione e la diffusione nel territorio sardo della cultura cinematografica .
CELL 211 - directed by Daniel Monzon (Spain 2009)
J uan Olivier is a jailer novice who has the misfortune to start new job on the same day that a riot broke out among inmates. Involved at the whim of fate in these tragic circumstances, Juan must make the most of its most valuable resource: the intelligence. He decides to pretend to turn a prisoner to try to steer in the direction Rivola more useful to regain freedom. In this situation, however, also be aware that anything man so, fragile and manners that had always thought. He discovers that to survive on the brink of an abyss is really willing to do anything ...
Saint-Marie-La-Maude is a small fishing village that years living on government support because of the few job opportunities. The installation of a new plant could eventually bring the hope of new jobs, but for this to happen they need a doctor who moved into the village. L'occasione si presenta quando un giovane dottore decide di passare le vacanze a Saint-Marie-La-Mauderne, così tutti gli abitanti si mobilitano per riuscire a 'sedurre' il medico e convincerlo che il loro paese è il miglior posto del mondo...
WELCOME – regia Philippe Lioret (Francia 2009)
Il giovane curdo Bilal ha attraversato l'Europa da clandestino nella speranza di raggiungere la sua ragazza, da poco emigrata in Inghilterra. Arrivato nel nord della Francia, capisce che la sua unica possibilità è tentare di attraversare la Manica a nuoto. Alla piscina comunale, dove va per allenarsi, finisce per diventare amico di Simon, un istruttore in piena crisi con la moglie, che decide di aiutarlo in questa impresa all'apparenza irrealizzabile.
L’ARTISTA – regia Mariano Cohn,Gaston Duprat (Argentina 2008)
Jorge lavora come infermiere in un istituto geriatrico. La sua vita monotona prende una svolta improvvisa quando comincia ad occuparsi di un anziano paziente, autistico ma dotato di grande talento painting. Thanks to this meeting Jorge approaches to the art world eventually be recognized, so sudden and unexpected, as a cult artist. It is rapidly introduced into the contemporary art scene and forced to deal with curators, critics, gallery owners, collectors and admirers. Attend a series of exhibitions, earn lots of money, is acclaimed by the art world. But as his career evolved since come to light his own problems and contradictions of life. The film explores with humor, lightness, but at the same time depth, the paradox of the contemporary art world, his characters and the difficulty of defining the very concept of art.
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