Monday, October 11, 2010

Best Country In Europe To Ski December 2010


Vi consiglio di leggere un bel libro:
GIOMMARIA ANGIOY "I l più illustre martire laico sardo" di Pietro Paolo Tilocca,
Edizioni Poddighe
Sassari 1996
Prezzo 15 euro

Bisogna ricordare Angioy per quello che era, un indipendentista, repubblicano e rivoluzionario. Fu artefice dei moti contro il feudalesimo, teorizzò e agì per la creazione di una libera repubblica sarda.
died after many battles, alone and poor in Paris in 1808.
The statement of facts begins with the attempted French invasion, focuses on the overwhelming and convulsive events of 1795 and '96, following the crackdown in villages that were more distinct in the anti-feudal struggle including Osidda.
will find news of a notary of Osidda Sotgiu, who participated in the revolt against the Piedmontese and the so-called "anti-feudal terms" against the abuses of feudalism.


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